Monday, April 22, 2013

Masters at Arms (Rescue Me #1) by Kallypso Masters

Masters at Arms begins the journey of three men, each on a quest for honor, acceptance, and to ease his unspoken pain. Their paths cross at one of the darkest points in their lives. As they try to come to terms with the aftermath--forging an unbreakable bond--will they ever truly become masters of their own fates? Or would fate become masters of them?

(Book One in the Rescue Me series about the men who own the Masters at Arms BDSM Club)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is an introduction to the series, but does NOT have the Happily Ever After endings that will come in the next three romance novels in the series. Being the back-story that usually is not told in "real time," there are some intense themes in the book, including death of a spouse, incest, torture, a battle scene, and amputation.

This is another lovely lady I meet last month. This is a prequel to the series in which you meet Adam, Damian, Marc, Karla, and Savannah for the first time. I liked getting to read the back story because it's not something you get often when reading. Adam had me wanting to read more about Karla and him from the beginning. Adam is older than the normal men you read about but he was no less strong and sexy. Damian and Savannah are so sweet together you just can't wait to read more of their story. Adam, Damian, and Marc meet in the war and forge a bond nothing can break. This book is a must to read if you want to read the rest of the series because it sets up everything else to come and it's FREE on Amazon.

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